Houston Rockets

Houston Rockets

  • Field Goal %
    45.9 FG%
  • 3-point %
    35.2 3P%
  • Points Scored
    114 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    45.5 RPG
  • Inside The Rockets

    Houston Rockets Make Unpopular Selection in New Mock Draft

    There's no telling what the Houston Rockets will do with the third overall pick in this year's NBA Draft. The Rockets could trade the pick for a proven player, they could trade the pick for future picks down the road, or they could even use the pick to select a player of their liking in this year's class. The mock drafts have also been ever-changing, as many disagree on what the Rockets need most. Others think the Rockets may turn to Dillingham's former running mate, Reed Sheppard, who is a long-range sniper and good defender.