Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets

  • Field Goal %
    49.6 FG%
  • 3-point %
    37.4 3P%
  • Points Scored
    115 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.4 RPG
  • The Ringer

    Nuggets-Wolves Is Rounding Into Its Final, Epic Form

    Momentum from game to game in the NBA playoffs (probably) does not exist. The steam one team picks up facing off against another is (usually) a combination of several factors that aren't mere coincidence. This is what's happening between the Denver Nuggets and Minnesota Timberwolves, two heavyweight title contenders locked in an epic second-round clash that may just now be settling into a thrilling, unpredictable state of inertia. Both are realizing they might not have a way to stop the other team's best punch.