Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets

 | 57-25
  • Field Goal %
    49.6 FG%
  • 3-point %
    37.4 3P%
  • Points Scored
    115 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.4 RPG
  • Denver Stiffs

    2024 Denver Nuggets Offseason Primer

    With the dust now settled on the Denver Nuggets season and the NBA marching towards a Finals between the Boston Celtics and Dallas Mavericks, it's time to turn the focus to what the Nuggets can and can't do this Summer to try and get back to the promised land. There will be key decisions to make at each level of the roster and during each phase of the offseason with Denver in a precarious position financially. As an over the salary cap team Denver pays a luxury tax and has multiple consequences of doing so. With a core locked into large contracts, Denver also is precariously close to passing the second luxury tax apron which introduces a whole new host of rules that impact their ability to modify their roster.