Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Mavericks

  • Field Goal %
    48.1 FG%
  • 3-point %
    36.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    118 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.9 RPG
  • ClutchPoints

    Mavericks HC Jason Kidd's Luka Doncic comments hilariously interrupted by Siri

    When I asked Jason Kidd a question about Luka Doncic on Friday, I certainly was not expecting Siri to help the Dallas Mavericks head coach with the answer. After asking Kidd how important it is to have a player on the team who does not complain about injuries, he started to answer the question before Siri chimed in. “He never complains about anything,” Kidd said with a smile on his face. “She agrees that he doesn't complain,” Kidd said after the moment, “That's pretty good.”