Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics

  • Field Goal %
    48.7 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.8 3P%
  • Points Scored
    121 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    46.3 RPG

    Isaiah Thomas Claims 'Kid' Held Ex-Celtics Star At Gunpoint

    Former Boston Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas detailed a chilling experience the 35-year-old encountered during Memorial Day Monday, which could've cost the father of two his life. Thomas starred down the barrel of an assault rifle, held by a minor, according to the now-Phoenix Suns veteran, while innocently hanging around with friends. The incident occurred in  Tacoma, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, where Thomas was raised, leaving him in disbelief. Thomas put the work in, undergoing appearances in the G League, private workouts with teams in Las Vegas, and countless social media pitches.