Seattle Mariners

Seattle Mariners

 | 20-17
  • Batting Avg
    .222 AVG
  • Runs
    135 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    3.04 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.04 WHIP
  • Star Tribune

    Minnesota Twins defeat Seattle Mariners 6-3 behind Chris Paddack

    After completing the fifth inning in 92 pitches, Chris Paddack put on a jacket in the Twins dugout and walked over to manager Rocco Baldelli and pitching coach Pete Maki. Paddack covered his mouth, but his message was clear: He wanted to keep pitching. It was a brief conversation and Paddack returned for the start of the sixth inning. The Twins held off the Seattle Mariners for a 6-3 victory at Target Field, using Caleb Thielbar, Griffin Jax and Jhoan Duran to cover the final 11 outs.