Chicago White Sox

Chicago White Sox

 | 12-29
  • Batting Avg
    .213 AVG
  • Runs
    119 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    4.64 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.37 WHIP
  • Fastball

    Pitching Matchups Revealed For Chicago White Sox, Washington Nationals Doubleheader on Tuesday

    After being rained out on Monday night, the Chicago White Sox and Washington Nationals will play a doubleheader on Tuesday at Guaranteed Rate Field. It's the rare "straight through doubleheader" as opposed to the usual "day-night" doubleheader, so it will be a fun chance for fans to see two games in a more timely manner. While sometimes, team's will call up a "27th-man" to make a start in a doubleheader, both teams are going with traditional starting pitchers in both matchups. In Game 1, the Nationals will go with right-hander Trevor Williams, who is 4-0 with a 1.96 ERA.