Boston Red Sox

Boston Red Sox

 | 22-20
  • Batting Avg
    .242 AVG
  • Runs
    180 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    2.78 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.10 WHIP
  • Inside The Red Sox

    Ex-Red Sox Fan-Favorite Mentioned As Trade Candidate; Could Boston Reunite?

    If the Boston Red Sox continue to perform as they have this season it wouldn't be too surprising to see the club make a few additions to the roster this summer. Boston chief baseball officer Craig Breslow already has shown this season that he isn't afraid to add to the roster through trades or free agency. Breslow already has made multiple trades this season so it wouldn't be shocking to see him stay busy this summer. The Red Sox have surprised people and are 22-20 on the season so far.