Baltimore Orioles

Baltimore Orioles

 | 25-12
  • Batting Avg
    .247 AVG
  • Runs
    187 R
  • Earned Runs Avg
    3.30 ERA
  • WHIP
    1.11 WHIP
  • Baltimore Sun

    Rubensplash: Orioles owner David Rubenstein delights fans in guest appearance as Mr. Splash

    Courtney Reed bought four seats together for her family in the front left corner of Section 86 of Camden Yards for Friday night's Orioles game, well before the guest Mr. Splash was announced. Larry Wiczulis nearly sold his ticket in the front left corner of neighboring Section 84, as close to the Bird Bath Splash Zone as possible without getting wet. What was considered a standard interleague showdown against the Arizona Diamondbacks became a memorable fan experience for everyone in the left-field seats because Orioles owner David Rubenstein assumed the role of Mr. Splash.