Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma City Thunder

  • Field Goal %
    49.9 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.9 3P%
  • Points Scored
    120 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    42.0 RPG
  • Fastbreak

    Josh Giddey's Heartbreaking Quote Went Viral After Oklahoma City Thunder Got Eliminated

    The Thunder had a good year, but they are now headed home for the offseason. Josh Giddey lost his normal spot in the rotation and only averaged 12.5 minutes of playing time during the series. After the series, Giddey met with the media and one his quotes (when asked about the season) went viral (h/t Addam M. Francisco of The Suave Report©️). Giddey finished the regular season with averages of 12.3 points, 6.4 rebounds and 4.8 assists per contest while shooting 47.5% from the field and 33.7% from the three-point range in 80 games.