"I’ve Been Making Over Six Figures For The Past Eight Years": Women With Low-Stress, Well-Paying Jobs Are Revealing Their Career "Secrets," And I Didn't Realize Half These Jobs Existed

Let's be honest: Life has been even more stressful as of late.

NBC / Via giphy.com

But if you also currently have a taxing job or are possibly unemployed, you may be in the market for finding a new position or switching careers entirely, especially if you're burnt out.

A woman stressed out at her computer desk
Jay Yuno / Via Getty Images

So when I saw Reddit user u/Sparkle356 ask the r/AskWomen community: "Women with low stress and good paying jobs, what is it that you do?" I wanted to share their answers just in case you or a loved one is currently looking for a new job/career.

And even though the term "well-paying" is subjective by state, hopefully, their answers will provide some insight on a potential path you may want to explore.

And not only did these women share what kind of job they have and what it entails, but also some of them revealed how they got their careers started. Check out their responses below.

1."I'm a court reporter."

A court reporter inside a court room

2."I'm a web developer, and I don't open my e-mails on my free time."


"Same here. I work 40 hours a week, mostly tune out over the weekend, and while there are occasional moments of stress when something in production doesn't work, for the most part, it's not very taxing."


"Hey, I'm kinda interested in having a tech career, but I'm still in high school. Can you tell me about how you got into the field, if you don't mind?"


"I studied computer science combined with UX/UI design."


3."I'm a librarian at a university."

A librarian inside a library

4."Technical writer."

"It requires qualifications, such as special training, but well worth it. And it's one of the roles in IT — which is such a male-dominated field — that being in a location in IT means the women's restroom at work never has a line or is out of soap, etc."


"What sort of special training did you do?"


"I have a degree in technical communication, and it required an internship. I also submitted content to the STC (Society for Technical Communication) annual competition and was later asked to judge entries. The STC has several publications that discuss many different aspects of tech writing.

"The college courses were instrumental in understanding the field, and some were taught by tech writers. I still use some of the basics I learned at the internship. For example, understanding how to use formatting styles and templates in whatever authoring tool is being used, even as basic as MS Word.

"I once took a job, only to find that some coworkers were creating manual tables of contents (TOC), which required hours to update every time there was a change to the content — in Word. For anyone reading this and who isn't aware, Word has a built-in function for TOCs that takes seconds to create and update if you know how to use the style feature."


5."Hair dresser. I’ve been making over six figures for the past eight years."

a hair dresser cutting someone's hair

6."Self-employed rehabbing old houses."

"No stress as we pick the house. I design and help with general labor if needed, and my partner takes the lead in coordinating the trades. Otherwise, I'm working from home 99% of the time writing checks and balancing the books."


"What age were you and your husband when you started doing this?"


"42 and 57 respectively. It's never too late to pivot careers."


7."Freelance graphic artist and interface design."

a graphic artists working at their desk

8."Adult content creator."

"I had a 'respectable' job before, and I can't believe how much better my life is now. I'm my own boss, work my own hours, don't deal with people I don't want to, and pull six figures.

"The only downside is the stigma that comes with working in the sex industry. Most people have a lot of misconceptions, and I, myself, was one of them before I got into it."


9."I'm a quality designer at a video game studio that is anti-crunch."

PS4 Controller and a keyboard

10."Airline pilot."

"My job can definitely be stressful, like a few hours of no stress at all, and then one little thing gets messed up and you're scrambling. For the most part, it's fairly relaxed, but it has its moments. But my low stress comes from my schedule.

"We're supposed to work about 80 hours a month, and those hours are doors closed to doors open, so basically our 'work' hours are just the time spent moving passengers, not the hour and a half at least that it takes to get through security, get to the gate, wait for the plane, and do the whole preflight routine, or the time spent after you land.

"But all that being said, if you're just working shifts where you do two four-hour legs in a day, then you're working 10 days a month. I'm in the middle of two weeks off right now, not vacation time, just two weeks off because I got all my credit hours at the start and the end of the month. So yeah, life's pretty relaxed. I get paid well, I have a mostly fun job, and I get plenty of downtime.

"If you can get through a couple of years of training and then all the time building hours working shitty jobs for low pay (I did four years of flying cargo in shitty turboprops, and I definitely had an easier go of things than most of the people I went through training with), life really is great once you get to the airlines."


11."I’m a freelance writer specializing in an area I find interesting."

a person typing on their laptop

12."I'm a medical sales rep."

"I basically sell surgical devices to hospitals, and I love my job even more because, since the pandemic, my company gave its employees the choice between working in the office or at home. Guess which one I chose."


"How did you get into medical sales?"


"I started out in the pharmaceutical industry so making the switch wasn't that hard."


"Can you explain more about your job?"


"My job details me contacting potential clients by explaining the various features and benefits of the devices. Then, I answer any questions they may have; then, we negotiate a fair price."


13."Higher education administration, specifically in a non-student facing area."

a college

14."I work in a warehouse that sells commercial kitchen supplies."

"My manager is also a burnt-out neurodivergent millennial; he takes mental health and having a healthy work environment seriously. This is the least stressed I've been in nine years."


15."I’m an accountant at a biotech startup."

A woman using a calculator

16."Business intelligence analyst."

"I really only work about 10 hours a week. The other 30 I spend scrolling Reddit waiting for a ticket to come in."


"What does this entail? I was a military intelligence analyst, 24 years ago, in the military. I'm sure it's probably not the same."


"It's a stupid name for a job where you build charts and graphs. I mostly code in SQL and develop in Tableau."


17."I pet sit."

A dog chewing on a chew toy

18."I was a tech on a psychiatric ward."

"I get paid pretty decent for the little work that I actually do."


"What tasks are a health tech responsible for, and what kind of degree or cert do you need?"


"It's basically a certified nursing assistant, but on psych, there isn't a lot of personal care that needs to be done because the patients are pretty self-sufficient, so I'm mostly responsible for checking on everyone every 15 minutes, keeping the place tidy, checking to make sure doors are locked, passing meal trays, safety checks, taking them to appointments within the hospital.

"You don't need any degrees or certification to work psych, but it helps. I have my bachelor's in criminal justice with a minor in psych. I took this job to get my foot in the door and work my way into a different position with the organization."


19."Chiropractors assistant/receptionist."

a receptionist answering the phone

20."I'm a mental health therapist."

"It pays well, I get to have meaningful conversations with people all day, and I get to choose my own hours. I gross around $80,000, I work around 20-25 hours a week, and I live in the western US!"


"I've been given a chance to go back to school. This is a field that has always been called to me. What would be a good place to start? I still need to get a BA before anything else."


"So what I did was I got both my bachelor's and master's in Social Work. I did this because there are a ton of directions you can go with a social work degree, so if I ever get tired of therapy, I can move to a different path for a while if I want.

"Also, if you get your BSW, there are many programs out there where you can get your master's in social work in nine months-one year, which is what I did. The program I did was nine months. It was intensive, but it was worth it!"


21."Data scientist with (and this is key for no stress) a stay-at-home husband who handles ALL household chores and responsibilities."

a woman working on her computer

22."I'm a narrative designer in video games, though there are a few caveats."

1. "The stress is low because I work for a company that does not believe in crunch, which is still relatively rare in the industry. Being a woman also adds a certain stress that can be better or worse depending on the company and team you work with. It’s always sort of a cloud above your head, so to speak, but I’ve got a pretty good team, so I’m one of the lucky ones in this case!

2. I only get paid decently because I job-hopped a little bit and upped my salary each time before settling in where I am now — it is generally considered the only way to increase your salary in this industry at the moment. The upside is it is sort of expected of people to bounce around companies a little bit, so it isn’t necessarily considered a black mark on your CV or anything."


"How did you get into narrative design? Did you go to school for this directly? I’m in game production right now but looking for something different in the game industry."


"I actually got involved through a game writing course from a local nonprofit organization. The org focuses on getting more women into the game industry. Through that course, I developed a portfolio, applied to a few jobs, and well, that’s that!

If you’re interested, check out Pixelles. Due to COVID, the game writing course hasn’t happened in a few years, but I think they might have tried a virtual one, which theoretically would open it up internationally? Worth following them to see if they decide to do that again!"



a programmer working at her desk

24."I work as a case manager for a healthcare company."

"I work remotely and get paid MUCH more than I did in my high-stress healthcare social work position."


25."I work from home as a technical service representative for a cryptocurrency trading exchange."

a woman working on an ipad

26."I work in content marketing. I’m basically an overpaid blogger."

"I worked in marketing and PR in some very stressful companies. I just kept focusing on improving my writing chops until I could get a job where literally all I have to do is write."


27."Corporate trainer."

a woman writing a white board

28."Senior cyber security engineer."

"I can work remotely from anywhere in the world since my team is fully remote and we have folks from all over. Most of what I do is code review, which means staying up to date with happenings in the field, and answering questions, all of which I can mostly do from my phone.

"I also have very low oversight and near complete freedom on what I choose to work on. I also make money in the lower six figures. Sure, there's always gonna be someone to say that I could make more in the field, but it almost certainly wouldn't come with all of the same perks and an entirely stress-free way of life.

"On top of that, the tech jobs that pay more are pretty much exclusively in areas with extremely high cost of living. I currently have no such burden. This is basically my dream job."


29."Journalist. Writing brings me peace and joy."

a journalist standing outside in front of a camera

30."Scriptwriter for video games."

"I graduated from film school specializing in script writing. I worked in television and mobile games right after school (assistant and script coordinator roles). I built a writing portfolio and sent it to video game studios. I got an offer for a script writing position at a game studio!

"I’d like to go back to television at some point, but right now, video games have been very fun. It’s super chill and interesting, and day-to-day is a mix of creative jam sessions with different departments/writer’s rooms, and then writing scenes for video games/dialogue for characters."


Do you or have you worked at a low-stress job that pays pretty well? If so, tell us what you do and how you got the job in the comments below.