Weekly Horoscope: July 25 - July 31

After last week’s Full Moon, we’ve all been eager to spread our wings and fly far away from the past — however, that won’t be possible in this weekly horoscope. Moving on can be important, but it’s always hard. Being consciously willing to disconnect and fully let go of old fights, relationships, and situations that we’ve outgrown is much easier said than done. Ask yourself: are you really ready to disengage from the people and things that at one point in time, meant a lot to you? Maybe these partnerships don't need to end... they just need to be transformed. But his transformation requires deep thought. Make sure you think about what you want before you make any decisions or move in a new direction.



July 23 - August 22

It’s OK to not be OK with the sudden shifts you’ve been feeling with your boo. You’re allowed to be lost in a sea of emotions, even if you’re unable to admit that the current status of your relationship has you on the brink of a meltdown. The beginning of the week may be hard for you, but as the days go on, there’s promises of peace. If you give yourself the space to process your emotions and heal your heart, you'll begin to smile again. But in the meantime? Ben and Jerry’s are your BFFs.



August 23 - September 22

In the beginning of your relationship, everything seemed like a dream. Butterflies were floating, birds were chirping, the air smelled like cherry blossoms. Now, things have gotten a bit... stale. Your partnership could use some extra vibrancy and a boost of energy! Plan a fun evening out with your boo. Do something outside your comfort zones, like painting portraits of each other outdoors or taking a mini road trip to a nearby town. Create joyful memories that will only add on to the foundation that you’ve built together. This will bring growth, positive change, and can even deepen the bond between you both.



September 23 - October 22

You have a vision, and you know you want to move forward and jumpstart your new dream. But change doesn't happen overnight! Use this week to plant the seeds for the future. You can manifest your goals slowly and they will surely come your way in time. Achieving greatness means an ebb and flow, day-to-day. You will receive all that you want if you put less pressure on yourself. Good things are happening and will begin to bloom over the next few weeks. This is only the beginning. Have a little more patience, Libra.



October 23 - November 21

It’s very easy to get caught up in drama. Instead of detaching from it — which you should — you’re getting yourself all bent out of shape over someone who’s not being a true friend. Venting about the situation will temporarily make you feel better, but in reality, talking about it too much will keep you energetically tied to the tension and won’t solve any major problems from arising in the future. Drop the negativity like it’s hot, Scorpio. Let it go.



November 22 - December 21

You may have an adventurous and explorative heart, but sometimes, you get scared, too Sagittarius. When someone threatens to end your friendship over a minor argument, you might call their bluff only to find out that they’re serious later on. Luckily, there’s a way to fix this problem before it escalates to this level. Don’t avoid dealing with the situation. It’s best to discuss the matter right away, and squash any issues. Even though your friend may not be ready to open up right after you’ve exchanged heated words, it’s important that you reach out to show that you care.



December 22 - January 19

The world isn’t vast enough for your thirst for power, Capricorn. But that doesn’t mean you have to create issues with others in order to attain greatness! Stay away from the drama. Stop inserting yourself directly in the path of your peers and causing conflict. You’re not using your energy wisely. Your dreams can become a reality if you disengage with competitiveness, and distance yourself from situations that can blow up in your face.



January 20 - February 18

Although your gut is telling you one thing, your mind is telling you to be logical — don’t act on an intuitive hunch. You can’t call someone out without having any real evidence to back it up. And instead of playing detective all week trying to find answers and uncover truths, you’ll have to be confrontational and ask the source directly. This is the only way to stop the gossip, drama, and suspicion… or confirm it. Either way, you’ll get the answers you want by midweek. This will help you gain trust in your choices and your intuition.



February 19 - March 20

There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself to unwind. Instead of running around all day, head to the park, have some lemonade, and read a book. It’ll feel good to chill and decompress alone. The more you give to yourself, the better you’ll feel. You should always put your needs first — no matter what. Being at one with your thoughts will help you find peace of mind, which is exactly the direction you should move in after last week’s drama. This is a peaceful moment within the summer madness. Use it wisely to help center yourself.



March 21 - April 19

Your crew isn’t showing you a lot of support when it comes to your crush. In fact, they’re rolling their eyes behind your back as you pursue someone they’re not quite fans of. It’s OK for them to not like the person you’re vibing with, but as your friends, they should have your back when it comes to matters of the heart. They’ll change their opinions towards the end of the week, and maybe even invite your potential boo out with the squad for some fun.



April 20 - May 20

Finding a balance between your summer job and your personal life will be challenging this week, Taurus. You may find that hanging out with your friends late at night is more important to you than making sure you get to work on time. Vice versa, work may be holding you back from partying hard with your squad at the beach. Regardless of which way you’re being affected, it’s best for you to prioritize your personal summer energy. This will allow you to give equal parts to the seasonal fun, which is a must, and your work responsibilities… which is needed to fund the fun.



May 21 - June 20

Unfortunately, you’ll have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the right person. This week, you might feel as though you will never find your soulmate. After a string of bad romantic experiences, your heart is a little sore and not quite ready to try again with someone new. But keep the faith! By the end of the week, you will meet someone new or reconnect with an old flame who will sweep you off your feet. Next stop is true love — it’s just a little bit of a bumpy ride to get there.



June 21 - July 22

Gather up all of your summer savings and open up a bank account. It’s time to ditch the piggy bank and the sock drawer and step up your adulting skills — no more random shopping sprees for you! Your family will be super impressed with your responsibility by stashing your money in a safe place. It will feel good to act maturely, but even better to get major props from the fam.

Related: Weekly Horoscope: July 18 - July 24

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue