TikTok is confused about wiping front-to-back, here's what a doctor says...

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From peeing after sex to drinking plenty of water, we all know the basics when it comes to how to avoid a UTI (aka a Urinary Tract Infection). Wiping front-to-back after using the toilet is a pretty big one too – but, it seems, over on TikTok people with vaginas are pretty confused when it comes to the logistics of doing just that.

It all started when TikToker @squiddey shared this clip questioning how exactly to wipe from the front of your vagina. ICYMI, wiping front-to-back minimises the amount of UTI-causing bacteria that can transfer from your anus area to your urethra.

"I know we're supposed to wipe front-to-back, but how the f**k do you do it?" @squiddey said in their video, which quickly amassed over eight thousand comments from equally confused TikTokers.

But, the confusion didn't end there, with another TikTok user raising the same question in a clip that's since had over 3.5 million views. "Honestly I have no f**king idea how we're supposed to wipe front-to-back when our anatomy is literally not constructed to do so," @thatspicylemon said in their video. "Like, how the f**k am I supposed to get up from the toilet and then reach around like this... NO — obviously I wipe from the back-to-the front."

Surprisingly, the pair weren't alone in their question, with plenty of other TikTok users responding with similar thoughts about the whole front-to-back fiasco. "I don't feel so alone now! I'm not the only one," commented one TikToker.

Finally putting an end to the confusion, one doctor took to the social media platform to share a how-to for those struggling with the idea of front-to-back wiping. In her own video Dr. Heather Jeffcoat, a pelvic health physical therapist, demonstrated that the motion really isn't as complex as people on TikTok had been lead to believe.

"So, take your toilet paper, go to the front and then push to the back," Dr Jeffcoat explains. "But, come from the front, because that makes the most sense."

Referencing how some TikTokers had made the move more complex, by trying to wipe front-to-back from the back, she joked: "Don't get me wrong, you could get complicated with it and you can do a reach around and work the back with a good stretch while you're doing it. Or you can even get some single leg balancing going and go with your non-dominant hand."

So, there you have it. It really is that simple.

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