How to Tie a Perfect Bow with Ribbon

You've done it! You picked out the perfect present for your loved one, and even found paper to wrap it with. Now, for the finishing touch: a bow! Anyone who has fumbled with ribbon knows that tying a bow can be a challenge, but it really does add something special to your gift. Grab your ribbon, a pair of scissors, and let's get started. Follow these simple steps to really wow the recipient. You'll be putting these skills to use for Christmas gifts, wedding presents, birthdays, and more.

  1. Hold the ribbon down with your thumb on the box. Loop the ribbon around the width of the package. Wrap it over the part of the ribbon you're holding.

  2. Continue looping around the length. Pull the piece you were holding up and over the center. Wrap the other piece over it and pull through under the center. Pull the pieces at opposite ends to tighten the knot.

  3. Create a loop with one end of the ribbon. Wrap the other end of that ribbon over that loop. Tuck it under and pull to form a second loop. Pull both loops into a bow and make sure they're even.

  4. Fold a dangling end of the ribbon in half lengthwise, and cut diagonally to form two sharp points. Repeat on the other dangling end of the ribbon.

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