Surprising Reasons Your Lips Are Always Chapped

woman touching her lips
Surprising Reasons Your Lips Are Always ChappedAnna Efetova - Getty Images

The holidays are long over and a new year has dawned, but dry, chapped lips are the unfortunate gift that keeps on giving. The main reason is that your poor kisser is so exposed to the elements. “Our lips are not as protected as the rest of our skin, and they don’t have their own oil glands, so they’re not able to create that protective seal that the rest of our skin can,” says Michelle Henry, MD, a clinical instructor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College and founder of Skin & Aesthetics Surgery of Manhattan. “They also lose moisture more rapidly, so they’re really vulnerable during the winter.” But the season isn’t the only reason. Here are other explanations for rough or cracked lips, and what you can do to nourish them back to health.

Your lips are reacting

We’re talking allergies here, nothing romantic! “Contact dermatitis around the lips is really, really common,” says Henry. “A lot of my patients have an allergy to something in their toothpaste or lip balm.” She recommends pinpointing the product through a process of elimination—“anything with a fragrance should be the first place you look.” Taz Bhatia, MD, an Atlanta-based physician specializing in integrative medicine, agrees, and adds that “many lip exfoliants are irritating, as are certain lipsticks and lip plumpers.” To soothe dry lips gently and safely, Henry has one word: emollients! Swipe on some Aquaphor—or Bhatia’s favorite, warm ghee—and repeat as needed.

You’re parched

Low-grade, chronic dehydration is another common culprit, says Kaylie Hopper, a California board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist. “When the body doesn’t have enough water to nourish the cells, it pulls hydration from other organ systems, which can lead to chapped lips.” Bhatia says to “aim for drinking 60 ounces of water per day” (that’s about three standard Hydro Flasks, in layman’s terms), and Hopper suggests adding electrolytes or sipping coconut water for an extra boost.

It’s something more serious

Though it’s rare, a lip condition called actinic cheilitis should be on your radar. “It’s a type of sun damage, and it can actually turn into a pre-cancer or a skin cancer,” Henry says. “If you have chronically dry lips, especially if there are discrete hard areas that just aren’t going away, you need to see your dermatologist.”

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