Publify Press Cracks the Publishing Code and Empowers Authors

MELBOURNE, FL / ACCESSWIRE / March 8, 2021 / The world of publishing is not easily entered, and getting in does not immediately imply security in the field. As every published author knows, holding absolute control over one's material and raking in all the royalties from their books are not easy feats.

Pouring in years of experience working for four major publishing companies in the country, Peter Lopez Jr. has recently launched Publify Press - utilizing the venture as a platform to elevate authors into power over their work and to the top of the best-sellers' list.

A business established to help authors keep 100% of their books' rights and keep 100% of the royalties, Publify Press carries Peter Lopez Jr.'s undeniable expertise in the field and mission to define a better space dedicated to the creatives in the industry.

"In the countless hours I've spent coaching, guiding, and consulting writers, I realized that although most of them met their goals and became authors, many of them don't enjoy the advantages of authorship."

According to the Publify Press CEO and Founder, the problem was not in the authors and their ability to weave gold from select words but in the business model. "It serves the publisher and not the author."

So, after testing and developing numerous publishing strategies, Peter cracked the code. Introducing game-changing programs, Publify Press asks aspiring and established authors the question, "are you ready to become the next best seller?" From the avalanche of positive reviews on their website, the answer seems to be an outstanding "yes."

"As a first-time author, it was such a relief to have Peter on my team during the publishing process," Maria Ayne, the critically-acclaimed author of "Survival of the Fittest Thoughts," shares. "Peter was as dedicated to my project as I was. He quickly addressed my concerns, gave me great feedback, advice, and was incredibly encouraging, to say the least."

Through the company, authors can avail of a free consultation to determine their needs and goals. The session will help map out and tailor Publify Press's strategies to each individual, allowing them to access press packages, ghostwriting services, agency services, and bestselling programs. These indicate thorough and brilliant work on book formatting, marketing and branding, publishing, distribution, and exclusive features on top international publications.

"We've cracked the code so that every one of our authors can become legitimate best sellers," Peter reveals. "In short, we've changed the game."

Not only empowering authors and helping them take complete control over their intellectual outputs, but Publify Press also offers a unique White Label service that allows authors to transition into publishers. "We don't just work with our authors; we partner with them. We don't call our authors our clients; we call them our partners."

Schedule a consultation or learn more about Publify Consulting and how it's revolutionizing the publishing industry. Witness the company hand the power back to the authors by visiting its CEO and Founder on LinkedIn or visiting its official website.

Company: Publify Press
Phone number: (774) 248-4056

SOURCE: Publify Press

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