People Are Sharing Things About Their Bodies They Wished They Learned In Health Class

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We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community if their teachers skipped something way back in health class they totally wish they knew. And an array of honest answers flowed out. Here's what people shared:

1."That abstinence isn’t the only option."

Gif from the movie Juno where the lead character checks a pregnancy test.

"Lots of teen pregnancy around my area due to the lack of information and slut-shaming."


20th Century

2."If they would actually explain what happens (or could go wrong) during/after childbirth."

A pregnant woman in a hospital wearing a hospital gown

3."That virginity isn't real."

Madonna singing "Like a Virgin" while floating down a river

"Some people are born without hymens, and some still have a hymen even after sex."


Sony Music Publishing

4."If sex hurts, something is wrong."

A woman looking down covering her face

5."My high school health class taught abstinence only education."

The news anchor wearing sunglasses while saying "Yeah, But I'm a freak"

"When we asked questions about sex, we were told it wouldn’t matter because we all took a vow to wait until marriage. I got a UTI after having sex for the first time because I didn’t know to go pee afterward. As if people who wait for marriage can’t get UTIs."



6."The clitoris."

A woman leans back and looks at the camera
Sachin Singh / Getty Images

7."I found out that for a woman, the place where you pee is different from your main hole (hard to write this without being too explicit) from watching Orange Is the New Black at 27."

Two women from Orange is the New Black staring back and forth at each other

"I can’t believe I’d made it that long thinking it was all one hole."



8."I wish I had learned about anything related to the LGBTQIA+ community."

A woman walking to a man while saying "HI, I'm gay"

9."Catholic school health class skipped over a few things."

A stylized image of a female reproductive system with leaves around it.

10."For women — pee after sex!"

A woman running to use the bathroom

"I had so many unnecessary (and painful) UTIs because no one ever taught me this."



11."Show both boys and girls an uncircumcised penis."

A blue-ish alien with red eyes

"'Cause the first time I saw one in the wild, I thought he was some kind of alien."


Bwfolsom / Getty Images

12."Proper education on my own anatomy. They really should tell kids about periods, how to handle them, what's normal and what isn't. At least here, the 'period talk' was just, 'So here's a pad. Tampons are sinful. There's gonna be blood, and you should be ashamed.'"

A woman being offered an assortment of contraceptives

13."I wish we had been taught that fetishes are real and nothing to be ashamed of."

Kristen Stewart saying "You Freak"

"EVERYONE has SOMETHING they fetishize, whether they admit it or not."



14."That the hymen is a stretchy membrane that isn't 'broken' during first penetrative sex."

A woman doing a stretchy yoga pose

"It's the worst way to tell if a woman has ever done anything as it looks completely different. This type of 'virgin exam' is worthless and incredibly invasive."


Maria Korneeva / Getty Images

15."I wish I had learned anything about mental health and how to cope with difficult situations and emotions."

A woman hugging herself

16.And finally, "Consent."

Amber Rose in an interview saying "When I say 'no,' it means no."

Is there anything else they didn't teach in health class? Share what you wish you had learned in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.