Oculus Go first look: Facebook's everyday virtual reality experience

The Oculus Go headset - Oculus
The Oculus Go headset - Oculus

Facebook has launched the Oculus Go, a standalone virtual reality headset that works without being linked to a smartphone or a computer.

The Oculus Go, which the company was billed by Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg as "the easiest way to get into VR", was launched at Facebook's F8 in San Jose, California. The new headset, developed by Facebook-owned Oculus, works without a smartphone connection or a more expensive virtual reality set-up designed for gaming

Starting at £199, Facebook believes the new headset can get more people into VR with social experiences, cheap, mobile games and experiences like live concerts and movies from the likes of Netflix.

What is Oculus Go?

Oculus Go, available in the UK from May 1, is part of Facebook's push to make VR a mainstream technology. While it gets a lot of attention, the consumer market for VR it remains relatively small. In the UK there was an estimated £100m worth of VR sales last year, although that number is growing.

At £199 the headset is cheaper than Oculus's expensive Rift headset or HTC's £499 Vive, both of which require a PC to work. It is, however, more expensive than models which work with a smartphone, since it has its own processing power and screen built-in.

Oculus Go - Credit: Bloomberg
The new Oculus Go headset Credit: Bloomberg

Oculus Go was announced last October by Mark Zuckerberg, but it has only just been made available to buyers. At the time, Zuckerberg said he hoped to hit the "sweet spot" for VR fans. "“If we’re going to get a billion people in virtual reality we have to focus on affordability and quality,” he said.

Oculus Go features and specs

Unlike some other headsets, the Oculus Go is an all-in-one model, meaning you don't have to plug a smartphone in to use it. The Oculus fits over the head with elastic straps and includes a band which can be attached to add space for users who have glasses.

The Oculus Go also doesn't need headphones, as the audio system is built into the strapping of the headset itself.

Oculus Go | At a glance

Games, videos and experiences

Oculus Go includes many of the same experiences available from the Oculus Store, which also works with the Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR headsets.

Some of the games available for Oculus include tabletop-style strategy games that can be played with friends and a host of free and paid for action, shooting, flight or story-based games. 

Anshar game - Credit: Oculus
New games, like Anshar, a multiplayer space shooting game, will be available on Go, Rift and Samsung Gear VR Credit: Oculus

Users can also watch films and television in the Oculus Go, using Netflix or Facebook 360 to view all-around videos. Oculus is also developing Venues, an experience that will let users drop-in and watch live concerts or sports such as Major League Baseball.

Oculus Rooms

One of the big pushes Facebook is making for virtual reality is to make the experience social, a challenging aim for users cut off from the world and stuck in a bulky headset. Facebook has stated its aim of getting more people interacting with one billion people using VR.

Oculus Rooms - Credit: Oculus
The new Oculus Rooms experience, for social virtual reality Credit: Oculus

That's why it is launching Oculus Rooms, a space to socialise using an avatar in virtual reality. Oculus Rooms lets users build and design their own space, essentially a virtual chatroom, where they can play games room, watch shows and chat to friends. Within the player's virtual Room, there is space to interact with other users, who can design an avatar to enter the room to chat.

The idea is similar to Facebook Spaces, an experience for the Oculus Rift that puts user avatars in a virtual world. Spaces was released to plenty of fanfare last year, but it's not clear how or if the two will fit together.

Facebook spaces
Facebook has already tried to encourage the idea of social VR with Facebook Spaces

First impressions with the Oculus Go

The Oculus Go returns to Facebook's push to make VR an experience users can share. The company has tried to do this with its Facebook Spaces, a chat room for virtual reality that links up to user Facebook accounts. For now, however, Spaces remains limited to the most expensive VR headsets.

When I was given a demonstration of the feature by Oculus's team, with users all in different rooms, it worked as planned as we were given a tour of an Oculus developer's version of his Oculus Room, from watching a film on Netflix to playing a card game at a virtual table.

However, the Oculus Go will need widespread adoption to make the most of these social features.

Oculus Go - Credit: Oculus
An Oculus Go avatar: we still aren't sold on Facebook's social VR experiences Credit: Oculus

In terms of usability, the Oculus Go is a snug fit with comfortable strapping. It is light and, as far as these headsets go, comfortable. The actual viewing experience doesn't quite compare to more expensive virtual reality headsets and is more on a par with other mobile VR models.

Most of the games for the Oculus Go are also cheap or free, meaning most have little depth. There are no real blockbuster titles or triple A games here.

Among the Telegraph technology team, one regular user of a Google Daydream View, which uses a Pixel smartphone plugged into a headset, commented the actual image didn't appear much better than that of Facebook's rival model.

However, the new standalone Oculus offers a way to get into VR with plenty of free games to get started on. For the price point, the Oculus Go shows the company's aim to make an everyday virtual reality experience that anyone can try, even if its plans for social virtual reality remain a hard sell.

The Oculus Go is available for £199 from Oculus.com. You can find the Telegraph's run down of the other best virtual reality headsets here.