United Airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was dragged off a plane

Oscar Munoz United Airlines
Oscar Munoz United Airlines

(United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz.AP Photo/Richard Drew)

United Airlines has reached an out-of-court settlement with David Dao.

According to Thomas Demetrio, an attorney for Dao, the two parties reached an "amicable settlement" on Thursday over the injuries Dao, a doctor, suffered when he was forcibly removed from United Airlines Flight 3411 earlier this month.

Both parties have agreed to keep the value of the settlement confidential.

In a statement, Demetrio praised United CEO Oscar Munoz.

"Mr. Munoz said he was going to do the right thing, and he has," Demetrio said. "In addition, United Airlines has taken full responsibility for what happened on Flight 3411, without attempting to blame others, including the City of Chicago.

"For this acceptance of corporate accountability, United is to be applauded."

On April 9, Chicago aviation officers dragged Dao off the plane, which was bound for Louisville, Kentucky, when he refused to give up his seat to make room for airline crew.

"United and Dr. Dao have reached an amicable resolution of the unfortunate incident that occurred aboard Flight 3411," the airline said in a statement to Reuters. "We look forward to implementing the improvements we have announced."

United Airlines on Thursday announced a host of policy changes aimed at preventing a similar event, including additional training for crew, supplemental problem-solving resources, and increased financial incentives for passengers who voluntarily give up their seats.

Here's Demetrio's full statement:

Dao Settlement News Release by Emily Cohn on Scribd

NOW WATCH: UNITED PASSENGER ATTORNEY: Dao has a concussion, broken nose, and lost two front teeth

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