How Many Cups Are in a 15-ounce Can of Pumpkin?

How Many Cups Are in a 15-ounce Can of Pumpkin?

A 15-ounce can of canned pumpkin holds nearly 2 cups. It’s actually 2 1/2 tablespoons short of 2 cups, about 29 1/2 tablespoons total.

If you buy the 29-ounce can of pumpkin, you’ll get about 3 1/2 cups cups in that can.

Did you know some varieties of pumpkins can be less than 1 pound when fully grown? And other varieties can be grown commonly to 1,000 pounds plus!

The world record for the heaviest pumpkin was broken in 2014 with a 2,323 pound pumpkin from Germany! The seeds were auctioned later.