J.K. Rowling has the best response to Trump's non-existent Sweden attack

The internet can't get enough of President Donald Trump's "last night in Sweden" remarks, including, of course, J.K. Rowling.

Never one to shy from a little fun at the expense of the U.S. president, the author joined in on Twitter's response to Trump's confusing reference to a terrorist attack that didn't actually happen.

SEE ALSO: Internet turns to @Sweden on Twitter after Trump appears to invent terror attack

Naturally, Rowling's hashtag kicked off a whole new riff on Trump's Sweden comments.

A quick refresher: During a speech at a rally in Melbourne, Florida, held Saturday night, Trump sandwiched a vague reference to Sweden between references to recent terrorist attacks in Germany, France and Belgium.

From a transcript of his speech:

As many have noted, nothing close to the attacks he referenced in his speech happened in Sweden on Friday night.

Even Sweden's former prime minister struggled to make sense of Trump's comment:

As for the horse, let's all hope its OK after its terrifying ordeal.

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[H/T: Huffington Post]

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