Magnolia Recovery of LA Focuses on Personalized Addiction Treatment Not Just a Rigid 12-Step Program

Los Angeles, Nov. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Los Angeles, California -

Los Angeles, CA — Every addict is different, and so is their experience with addiction. That’s why Magnolia Recovery of LA, a residential substance abuse disorder treatment center in Southern California, doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach as many 12-step programs take. Instead of making the individual conform to a rigid recovery formula, Magnolia makes the program fit the individual.

Magnolia Recovery believes it’s time to set aside harmful disinformation about “miracle” addiction cures and ineffective approaches that put everyone into the same cookie-cutter rehab program. These programs may appear to end in recovery, but when the recovering addict must face the real world on their own, the final result often is relapse which brings on a cycle of shame, hopelessness and failure.

Magnolia Recovery Alcohol & Drug Rehab Los Angeles
Magnolia Recovery Alcohol & Drug Rehab Los Angeles

Instead, Magnolia Recovery strives to understand where each client is coming from and meet them there.

Magnolia Recovery offers a safe, shame-free environment in which to heal from any addictive substance at any stage in the journey to recovery. Treatment follows the complete continuum of care, from supervised detox to residential rehab, followed by aftercare and continuing support to extend recovery into long-term sobriety.

Programs are offered by an experienced staff that includes marriage and family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors who have worked in the field for five to 20 years. All share the desire to help as many people as possible — no matter their gender, race, age, sexual preference, religious beliefs or lifestyle choices.

They also share the belief that addiction treatment should be evidence-based and focused on methods scientifically proven to be effective for long-term recovery. Addiction is a disease, and as with any other disease, different people will experience it differently and respond to different treatments. That’s why personalized care is at the core of the Magnolia model.

When a new client arrives, their individual needs are evaluated and a custom care program is designed for that person’s unique health goals.

Treatment begins with medically supervised detox for incoming clients who see withdrawal symptoms as a significant barrier to recovery. Many addictive substances create the potential for serious health risks, side effects and the danger of relapse when a user tries to quit them.

No one should go through the detox process alone, and at Magnolia, no one does. The highly trained medical team is with the client throughout every step of detox to ensure they can overcome this first battle with withdrawal symptoms and feel healthy and clear-headed when they begin the next phase of recovery.

Each client at Magnolia has access to support and guidance at every step of their journey as they work to find the combination of treatments and tools that allows them to take ownership of their own recovery. As a result, some former clients are so happy with their experience, they maintain contact with Magnolia for years after the completion of their program.

Magnolia’s physical setting also offers a safe, comfortable environment for focusing on recovery. The facility takes no more than six clients at a time. It is designed to feel like a home — a place of peace, acceptance and support.

The goal of treatment is for each person who comes through the program to understand the underlying issues that led them to engage in impulsive and destructive behaviors. By getting to the root of these issues, Magnolia doesn’t just treat addiction but empowers clients to take charge of their own behaviors, their own recovery and their own future.

For individualized care of alcohol or drug addiction, visit Magnolia Recovery of LA or call 747-307-6948.


For more information about Magnolia Recovery Care Los Angeles Alcohol & Drug Rehab, contact the company here:

Magnolia Recovery Care Los Angeles Alcohol & Drug Rehab
(818) 450-3511
12400 Magnolia Blvd, Valley Village, CA 91607
