Do you love nature? These departments have job openings helping to preserve and protect Idaho

National forests cover around 20.4 million acres of land in Idaho. That’s about 40% of the state, meaning there are a range of jobs available in the Gem State to keep you working alongside nature. Here are five civil service jobs available now, both full time and seasonal, that will keep you outdoors and working to protect the state’s wild treasures.

Job openings are compiled by the Idaho Division of Human Resources.

Idaho State Park Ranger - Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation

Salary: $42,224 a year

Full time

Location: Multiple locations statewide

Job description: The park ranger is expected to fulfill duties related to visitor services, such as providing information about their respective park’s history, geology, plants and animals, as well as promoting public safety and preserving park resources from vandalism and destruction. Administrative work is also required, including representing the department at public meetings and working with other park staff to hire and train new employees.

Requirements: Knowledge of outdoor recreation and preservation, experience providing a service to customers, and experience operating and maintaining vehicles and other equipment.

Deadline: June 30, 2022

Lands Program Manager - Idaho Department of Lands

Salary: $29.93 to $31.92 an hour

Full time

Location: Statewide (offices located in Coeur d’Alene)

Job description: Overseeing the statewide administration of the Idaho Forest Practices Act and the Idaho Forest Stewardship Program. The program manager is also responsible for the strategic direction of regulatory issues affecting state and privately-owned forests, act as the primary contact for agencies interested in Forest Practice issues, and to lead the stewardship program.

Requirements: Interpreting and applying federal and state laws, using geographic information systems and global positioning systems, and a bachelor’s degree or higher in forest management or a closely related field.

Deadline: May 8, 2022

Trail Ranger - Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation

Salary: $15 an hour


Location: Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls

Job description: Department of Park and Recreation seasonal jobs typically last from late May to early September. A trail ranger is expected to work in remote areas of national forests, removing logs and debris, trimming bushes and repairing trails. Operating and maintaining machineries, such as chainsaws and motorcycles, is also required.

Requirements: At least 18 years old, the ability to ride a motorcycle and knowledge of trail and motorcycle maintenance.

Deadline: Continuous

Trail Cat Operator - Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation

Salary: $17.83 an hour plus per diem and benefits


Location: Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls

Description: The trail cat operator position is related to the Trail Ranger Program but with an emphasis on operating, inspecting and maintaining equipment such as motorcycles and other all-terrain vehicles.

Requirements: At least 18 years old with knowledge of heavy equipment operation and the ability to safely tow equipment over various terrains and weather conditions.

Boat Station Pest Detection Supervisor - Idaho Department of Agriculture

Salary: $15.00 an hour


Locations: Island Park

Description: Island Park is located in eastern Idaho, just a 30-mile drive from Yellowstone National Park. This position is part of the state’s invasive species prevention program. The job will have the employee inspecting watercraft and conducting hot washes on watercraft to stop the spread of invasive species into Idaho, such as zebra mussels.

Requirements: The ability to lift up to 50 pounds, bend and crawl underneath watercraft when necessary, experience with pressure washers, and aquatic biology, ecology or field inspection experience.

Deadline: June 17, 2022

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