Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 24, 2022

Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon

Apartment proposal wrong for Bonita

The "downtown" of Bonita Springs has improved dramatically over the last few years with cobblestone streets, beautiful landscaping and traffic circles for a better traffic flow. Now a large four-story apartment building is proposed along the new Main Street. The government decision-makers always seem to ignore arguments relating to any increase in traffic with developments. In this case, any increase in traffic would be disastrous for the businesses due the disadvantages of the traffic circles. The previous traffic lights have been replaced by the traffic circles. It has been proved that traffic circles are not a solution with any congested traffic. There are no "gaps" to let in cars in from the side businesses which normally occur with the changes of the lights. This can already be experienced during rush hour in the present Bonita Springs beautiful road. People will avoid Bonita Springs because of future hassles and delays if this apartment complex is approved.

Tim Diegel, Naples

Important Collier primary election in August

Attention residents of Collier County! August is primary election time! Two out of the five County Commission seats are up. Given the dominance of the Republican Party here in Collier, whoever wins the Republican primary in District 2 and District 4 is likely to be your next county commissioner.

So it’s important you vote in the primary — important if you care about taxes, water, affordable housing, parks, building heights, traffic congestion, etc. — in short, our quality of life in Collier County. Given Florida’s closed primary system, Democrats and Independents might want to change their party affiliation for the primary election (you can change back after the primary) so you can have a voice in this election.

Not sure what district you are in? How to get a mail-in ballot? How to change your party affiliation if you are a Democrat or Independent wanting to vote in the Republican primary (this must be done 29 days prior to the primary)? Want to know about the candidates’ backgrounds or who has financially contributed to their campaigns? For answers to these and other election questions go to our county’s excellent Supervisor of Elections website colliervotes.gov. Or call their office at 239-252-8683. Most importantly, vote in the August primary by mail, by early voting (Aug. 13-20) or on Election Day, August 23.

S.L. Calkins, Naples

Naples Airport planes disruptive

I live across from the Naples Airport several months a year and have for 13 years. I have noticed the air traffic has increased in the number of planes in recent years. Also, the hours of operation have also increased and planes are flying over much later at night. This is very disruptive to the lifestyle in the neighborhoods which surround the airport.

It appears that the Naples Airport has outgrown its area. It would seem reasonable that the airport would find a less populated and larger area for the airport. It would be interesting to know if anyone else has issues with the airport noise and fumes.

Just as an example, it is 9:30 p.m. and two planes have gone over low is the past six minutes.

Patricia Angell, Naples

Why Republicans still support Trump

Several years ago The News-Press featured a column titled "Tell Mel" authored by Melanie Payne. Its purpose was to expose and explain the scam/con du jour. Mel would describe actual events and on occasion would print the results of interviews with victims. Most victims were very reluctant to even report the crime, much less make a public admission. Victims that find out that they are in fact a victim are often full of self recrimination, embarrassment, and even anger. Some will never admit even to themselves that they were so fooled.

Mel came to mind when I was trying to understand why so many Republicans continue to voice support for Donald Trump in spite of the growing (and very public) mountain of hard evidence of his sociopathic, criminal nature, behavior and acts. I knew that they had seen or heard the same videos and documents I had, i.e., they know "Big Lie" is in fact, a lie.

I just couldn't answer the "why" until I remembered Mel.

Wilburn P. Reed, Fort Myers

Stop the drug labs, smugglers

At what point are we going to shut the labs down? When are we going to launch a real effort to stop the smugglers? How many dead, overdosed Americans must we find before we go to the source, the Chinese fed Mexican cartel run drug labs, and blow them all to hell? Apparently, never.

The latest administration has done the opposite of what one would do if they were concerned about the 100,000 corpses found full of fentanyl all across America. Biden and his cronies have stopped the hardening of the border with a physical structure, have allowed historical numbers of illegal crossers to tie up Border Patrol agents, and basically made it easy for smugglers to bring their poison into America.

Is it not the responsibility of the federal government to protect our borders? If the cartel was using catapults to lob bombs into border cities in America resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, Biden would be forced to act, right? How is this any different?

The media has to drive this narrative. Decent reporters who care about Americans yet to be killed by Mexican cartels must expose the transport routes, lab locations, distribution centers, corruption of officials, the whole nasty murderous web that makes the cartel leaders the richest murderers in the land.

Jeff Naslund, M.Ed., Fort Myers

Riviera flood plain protects communities

The Riviera Golf Course is a documented flood plain that protects the 10 communities that surround it from flooding. In the yearly rainy season, the course looks like a big lake – and this is not just the case during a hurricane! If the Collier County commissioners approve such a dastardly project, I daresay that they will pay for that decision for a long time with flooded roads along with the loss of a beloved and affordable golf course for many Naples residents.

Alice Benjamin, Naples

Don't allow golf course conversion

The residents of Riviera Golf Estates have moved me to join their chorus. I know no one, nor the details, involved in the situation. My only information is the numerous letters to the editor.

I have great admiration for the residents of this community. They have banded together with a consistent and dedicated approach to stating their concerns. And, they certainly have presented a very compelling argument!

Please do not allow the golf course to be converted into housing. Allowing the conversion is not fair to the residents or the wildlife. It will cause great environmental problems (flooding, loss of green space, etc.).

I looked online at the golf course and the homes around it. They are well kept, lovely homes. They are not new stucco McMansions. Any new housing will not be consistent with the community. Additionally, the website for the Riviera Golf Club acknowledges the wildlife around the course. This is a quote from the golf course website:

"The back nine also features multiple ponds which attract some very unique wildlife, including the occasional small alligator!"

Elaine Nelson, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 24, 2022