LeBron James says he’ll refuse to play empty arenas as NBA says coronavirus could shut out fans


LeBron James has said he will refuse to play to empty arenas after the NBA warns teams it might shut out fans amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The Los Angeles Lakes star was asked about the possibility of playing to empty arenas on Friday night following his team's game against the Milwaukee Bucks.

"We play games without the fans? Nah, that's impossible," James said. "I ain't playing if I ain't got the fans in the crowd. That's who I play for. I play for my teammates, and I play for the fans. That's what it's all about. So if I show up to an arena and there ain't no fans in there, I ain't playing. They can do what they want to do."

Kemba Walker of the Boston Celtics felt similarly about playing without fans in the crowd.

"That would be terrible," he said. "That would be boring. They might as well cancel the whole game before that. That would suck. But at the end of the day, it is getting serious. I don't know. It would be very weird though for sure."

A memo from the league circulated between teams on Friday about the possibility of games continuing without any media or fans in attendance, The Atlantic first reported.

Teams would have to identify "essential staff" to be at the games if this measure needed to take effect.

Regular temperature checks from players, staff members, and other essential people to put on NBA games might also be required, according to ESPN.

"The health and safety of our employees, teams, players and fans is paramount," the NBA said in a statement Monday. "We are coordinating with our teams and consulting with the CDC and infectious disease specialists on the coronavirus and continue to monitor the situation closely."

Postponing or cancelling games would be up to the league.

Earlier this week, the NBA cautioned its players against interactions with fans that include high-fives and accepting any memorabilia or taking autographs. Fist bumps were recommended over high-fives.

The NHL also sent a similar memo to its own teams.

Coronavirus cases have risen in the US with more than 300 confirmed across the country. Globally, more than 100,000 cases are confirmed and over 3,500 people have died from the virus. Seventeen of those deaths come from the US.

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