Ja Rule Explains Why He Turned Down $500K To Star In The ‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise

Ja Rule turned down an opportunity of a lifetime to star in one of the largest movie franchises in box office history.

In 2001, the rapper, who was signed to Murder Inc., appeared in “The Fast and the Furious,” the debut installment of the franchise.

Per Grantland, the street racing role Ja Rule played as Edwin brought him $15,000, the late John Singleton shared prior to passing away in 2019.

What’s more, it was Singleton’s hope that Ja Rule would return for the sequel. However, the rapper did not green light the opportunity to reprise his role in “2 Fast 2 Furious,” ultimately declining the $500,000 offer.

“Ja got too big for himself. He turned it down. He turned down a half a million dollars,” Singleton said, according to a report from Grantland in 2015. “He got 15 grand to be in the first movie. He was really big at that time. I guess Murder Inc. was throwing out hits and were making money hand over foot. He was acting like he was too big to be in the sequel. He wouldn’t return calls. I went to the studio to go see him — that’s just my mantra, I deal with a lot of music people. He was kinda playing me to the side and I was like, ‘What? What is this sh–?’ This was all initiated by me.”

In 2002, Ja Rule explained his decision to step away from the film, explaining the role simply did not align with his Hollywood ambitions.

“Me and Vin talked after he turned it down,” Ja Rule explained to MTV at the time. “He hollered at me ’cause they still wanted me to do the film and they bumped up my role as a starring role and everything. And you know, we talked about it. I just felt it wasn’t the best move for me as far as what I want to do in Hollywood right now.”

He continued, “I’m really trying to do this acting thing very seriously and you know, sometimes every move is not the right move.”

Ultimately, Singleton made a call to Ludacris, who has been an actor during a majority of the franchise.

“Ja Rule not doing ‘2 Fast 2 Furious’ changed Ludacris’ life,” Singleton previously claimed.

Singleton may have been right about that.

During an interview with “SHOWTIME Basketball,” Ludacris shed light on the franchises’ success.

As AfroTech previously told you, “the first eight films reportedly earned over $6.2 billion worldwide, according to NBC News. When you consider the revenue the remaining two films have made thus far, the numbers are now pushing over $7 billion.”

The latest film, “Fast X,” was released on May 19, 2023. And while it’s been quite the ride, the franchise will reach its finish line in 2024.

“Every story deserves its own ending,” Diesel said, Boss Hunting reports. “I know people are going to feel like it doesn’t have to end, but I think all good things should. There are reasons for a finale. I think this franchise has deserved it.”

