Here’s What Happened to Cam and Emily From 'THTH'

Photo credit: Dave J Hogan - Getty Images
Photo credit: Dave J Hogan - Getty Images

You kinda can’t help hate-watching Netflix’s Too Hot to Handle. A reality show about a group of sex-crazed young adults who have to stay celibate for a couple of weeks, so they’ll win a grand prize of $100,000...surely beats watching Love Island or Love is Blind.

The thing about Too Hot to Handle is that it focuses on sex (and lots of it). Other reality TV shows are so puritan—we’re looking at Are You The One? here. Adults have sex! It’s natural! Watching a show that not only focuses specifically on sex but as well vulnerability and emotional connection is high-key refreshing.

And, unlike other BS shows where almost half the couples never stay together, the THTH approach kinda works. I mean—look at Marvin and Melinda. The only couple to have sex (spoiler!) on the show becomes official in the finale. So tell us, why’s Lana’s process not fool proof again?

Oh, and did we mention that Marlinda? Melvin? weren’t the only pair that got together? Cam Holmes and Emily Miller also swore their undying love to one another in the finale. Unlike the unpredictable Marvin and Melinda, Emily and Cam (Camily?) were together from the beginning. Though, they did have their fair share of ups and downs. 1. Cam “cheats” on Emily with another contestant. 2. Cam has doubts about committing to Emily. 3. Cam considered “cheating” again with another contestant. Um, that doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship to us. Yes, they have sexual chemistry (they literally broke the rules over three times, y’all), but they’re also messy AF.

Somehow by the grace of Lana (bow down to the lamp god), they became an official couple. But we reality TV watchers know that not everything is true on television, which makes us wonder: are these two really together? Or was it all just a farce for publicity?

Are Cam and Emily still together?

Well, fuck me: Cam and Emily are not only together, but they live with one another (and her family too; talk about awk-ward).

But, for real, we can’t believe this blasphemy. And, you haven’t even heard the worst of it: Cam actually loves Emily, y’all. He spoke with Buzzfeed and revealed how great his relationship is going with her: “We're very much still in love. I moved in with her a month after the show and we haven't spent many days apart, to be honest."

If this isn’t a sign that Lana is the best relationship coach there is, then we don’t know what to tell you, to be honest.

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