What the Future Holds for Isabella and Phineas

Alyson Stoner and Vincent Martella on Isabella and Phineas' Future (in Character Voices)

Video Transcript


GIBSON JOHNS: Will Phineas and Isabella ever, like, happen? Is that ever something that can happen for them?

VINCENT MARTELLA: The classic "will they, won't they."

GIBSON JOHNS: Exactly. Exactly.

VINCENT MARTELLA: I don't know. Alyson, what do you think?

GIBSON JOHNS: Alyson, yeah.

ALYSON STONER: I don't know, Phineas. What do you think?

VINCENT MARTELLA: I don't know. I'm just trying to have a good summer. I don't really-- I don't even notice the little [INAUDIBLE]. But--

ALYSON STONER: Yeah, well, I'm just here to support. Let me know if you want to hang sometime just me and you, you know, as friends.

VINCENT MARTELLA: Yeah. Sure. I definitely will.