Extremely Important PSA: Taco Bell Is Giving Out Free Tacos Today

Taco Bell has some fire-sauce-hot news and it’s slightly hard on the stomach.

In honor of the Golden State Warriors’ win over the Cavaliers in the NBA championships (that’s basketball, apparently), our favorite 3 a.m. pit stop is generously gifting everyone in America with the culinary masterpiece that is the Doritos Locos Taco. 

Come today, Wednesday, June 13, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. local time, fast foodies can get one free taco at any T-Bell location across the country. As Oprah might say, “You get a taco! You get a Taco! You get a taco!”

We’re pretty sure Doritos Locos Tacos aren’t keto-friendly, but we’ve never met a free meal we didn’t like.

*Asks for a preemptive sick day*

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