
Downsized 1978 Chevrolet Wagons Are Still Big, but Easier to Parallel Park

1978 full size chevrolet wagons magazine advertisement
The Downsized 1978 Chevrolet Wagons Are Still BigChevrolet

General Motors downsized its B-Body full-size cars for the 1977 model year, which meant the Caprice and Impala got quite a bit smaller. They were still imposing enough, with the wagon versions scaling in at over 3300 pounds, and this magazine advertisement for the 1978 Caprice Classic and Impala station wagons shows all the useful features they offered at reasonable prices.

1978 full size chevrolet wagons magazine advertisement

Ford boasted of being The Wagonmaster during the 1970s, but The General owned the Chevrolet Wagon Stop.