Your Daily FoodScope for September 24, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


There will be a lot of ignition clicking today, but no blast off. That could be a problem. To find a solution you'll have to sleep with the fishes, tuna, salmon or trout, that is. Whether baked, broiled or raw, the Omega-3s will be good for your brain, while the protein surge will blast you into orbit.


Don't let pushy people push you around today. Go at any pace you damn well please. When they ask how long, take your time answering them. But make it clear that you won't be rushed. If they got a taste of the homemade Shepherd's Pie you'll dig into, they'd know why.


You fancy yourself a forceful orator, a skilled debater. But like a passing summer storm, you're just a lot of hot wind. It could be best to keep quiet today, lest you say something stupid. Load up on extra wasabi with your Bento box lunch. If your tongue hurts, you're less likely to speak.


Lay off the lattes today and slow down a bit. Racing through life doesn't give you time to savor the flavors of your day. But a steady diet of fast food indicates that perhaps you're not interested in flavor, or nutrition. If you must go fast, make wise decisions. Salad with chicken is a good start.


Do you really know what you want? The food court of life offers so many choices, but too little time for resolution. Decisions may have to be instantaneous today, so think carefully. Ultimately, you'll go for the healthiest choice, perhaps a teriyaki salad or chicken rice bowl.

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You'll have the energy and drive to get to half time, thanks to a big breakfast. But what else you got? You could be benched in the second half if you don't fuel up. Chili in a big sourdough bowl will fill you up and get the fires burning in your gut again.


You can take preventive measures to ensure that today doesn't suck. A sensible breakfast is a start. Coffee is a must. A healthy lunch should follow; tuna on rye with fruit is good. Snack on yogurt, and have a small yet healthy dinner. Keep fueled and the day could actually end up not sucking.


Conflicts could get ugly today. Staying out of them could be hard as alliances are formed. Excuse yourself at lunch and go off by yourself. Find a park bench somewhere in the sun and enjoy your peanut and butter and jelly sandwich, far from the drama and bickering of work.


Fun and romance always seems to go together. But fun, romance and food, that's an even better match! Plan a picnic lunch complete with cheese, breads, crackers and wine. You're romance could blossom even further in the soothing warmth of the sun.


Work responsibilities could be putting a damper on your social life. Lunch and dinner now consists of take-out Chinese and microwave popcorn eaten solo in the loneliness of your cubicle. Bust out and join friends for pizza and beer tonight. They'll be so surprised they may even pay for your meal.


You may discover that the pants don't seem as tight as they used to. Perhaps the healthy diet is finally paying off. But remember there's no end zone. You may have eaten enough chicken to lay eggs and ample tuna to have you sprouting gills, but the sexy changes to your body will be worth it.


Beware of people and things masquerading as something they're not. Just because something says it's low fat, organic or low in trans fats doesn't mean it actually is. Do your research to expose the truth behind the masks today. That peach/mango fruit smoothie is not your friend.

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