Your Daily Couples Horoscope for September 08, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Your relationship may be less than entirely comfortable right now, but sometimes discomfort is necessary to get to the next phase. Stay low-key, and don't make it a bigger issue than it is.


The stars have placed relationship issues squarely in the forefront, so beware of whatever's been a little prickly between the two of you. You're not one to overreact. Keep it that way.


Sometimes the most romantic gestures are the most basic. Pick up your partner's dry cleaning, make them a sandwich or wash their car. It's better than a bouquet or dinner out.


The pressure may be on to make a decision, but that doesn't make you emotionally ready for it. The stars say a little more time will help a lot in figuring out how you feel.


Put your pride aside, spit out those words stuck in your throat and express how you're feeling. You'll be surprised by how much better it all seems and how your partner reacts.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. πŸ’ž


You think you know all the ins and outs of the situation, but your partner has a distinctly different point of view about it. How to reconcile the two? Communicate, take a break, then communicate some more.


In your ceaseless quest for a wonderfully balanced relationship, sometimes you forget to give some special attention to the most important person in your life: you. Be just a little selfish now.


It's a banner day, and you're oozing intensity and passion. Take your partner by surprise with your delicious, magnetic mood. You can intuit exactly what they want now.


It's only fair to warn your partner when you're feeling this moody. Either that or quarantine yourself. Try taking a long walk or exploring the cathartic possibilities of a cheesy movie by yourself.


You've got a unique opportunity to organize your emotions surrounding your relationship, and a friend can offer some significant insight. Take some time for both introspection and sharing.


It's not like you to get hung up on where things are going (and at what speed they're getting there), but right now this could be uppermost in your mind. Don't get too anxious. Only time will tell.


Not only should you avoid anything business oriented now, but you should carefully and diplomatically deflect any attempts to get you to commit to something in your relationship. It's just not time yet.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! πŸŒ™