Cryptoverse: would you like an NFT with that?

STORY: This is Crypto Weekly, with your top stories on alternative currencies. This week, why bitcoin could be the winner in a crypto collapse, and the hotel where rooms come with an NFT.

The cryptocurrency tumble is into its ninth week.

But some see signs that bitcoin could be a relative winner, with its dominance ratio up to 44%.

That’s a measure of its share of the crypto market.

Some traders say bitcoin is benefiting as investors grow wary of smaller rivals.

A New York hotel is debuting what it says is the first NFT reservation system.

Book a room at the NoMo SoHo and it could come with digital art assets.

Sharon Raz is CEO of hotel owner Sapir Court:

“So now you actually see, you know, that the image that you own is part of your hospitality experience, part of your vacation.”

In case you’re wondering, a three night stay with NFTs included will cost from 0.41 ethereum. On launch day that was about $821.

One in ten euro zone households own crypto assets.

That’s according to new figures from the European Central Bank.

Now policymakers are trying to figure out if that’s a new threat to family finances.

The Dutch seem keenest, with 14% of people there owning some crypto.

And meme-stock darling GameStop is making waves again.

It’s launched a digital wallet to store cryptocurrencies.

Users will also be able to buy and sell NFTs on GameStop’s planned marketplace for digital assets.

It’s all a long way from the firm’s core business as a video game retailer.
