What color are these sneakers?

A pair of Nike trainers are dividing the internet, all because people can’t agree on what color they actually are. Back in January, an image of the sneakers began circulating on Twitter with the question: “Do you see black or white trainers here?”. At the time, Twitter users couldn’t agree on what color the shoes actually were — and eventually the optical illusion was forgotten about. However, on Sept. 21, TikTok user Kaile’a Kini resurfaced the photo after her and her husband couldn’t agree on what color the shoes were, either. “Someone please help us out,” she begged fellow TikTok users. “I see black, a black shoe and the white logos”. “And what do you see?” she then asks her husband. “Just, it’s white,” he replies. “It’s a white shoe”. TikTok users were equally divided in the comments