What is the ‘April Theory’ that everyone’s talking about on TikTok?

A new theory has been making its way around TikTok lately, and this one might have something to it.

It’s called the “April Theory,” and it refers to the overall feelings of positivity and happiness that April typically ushers in.

It makes sense when you think about the longer days and warmer weather that come with April. Yes, there might be some rain, but there’s also more sunshine too — and after months of cold winter weather and dark, depressing afternoons, that’s bound to have an impact on the psyche.

April is also when the color starts to return to everything around us, from the grass to the trees to the flowers. Even the clothes we wear in spring have a more upbeat vibe, allowing us to ditch our bulky sweaters and long pants for pastel-colored sundresses and light T-shirts.

And when you consider the very real condition of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), otherwise known as seasonal depression or the winter blues, it’s no wonder that a lot of people start to feel better now that winter is in the rearview.

In one viral TikTok, @vaatsalya.c goes even more in-depth about what the April Theory means to her.

“me explaining that the April theory is the COMPLETE opposite of the march theory,” the TikToker shared in her video text. “The April theory is when you magically get out of your winter depression, the days are warmer which leads you to things that contribute to your happiness, school is about to end, you make more memories, and life finally gets good again.”

Even if you’re skeptical of things like this, you have to admit this one makes a lot of sense.

“I feel ittt,” one person wrote in the comments.

“This better be true because march has been TOUGH,” wrote someone else.


“it’s not a theory lol it’s true,” someone else declared. “it because spring starts in April and naturally our bodies follow the seasons, so we blossom in the spring.”

Countless other videos about the April Theory have been going around TikTok too. (In fact, the videos have already racked up a combined 3 million views.)

Some have described April as “the month where the ball gets rolling.”

Others have said it’s when life literally “springs anew” and new opportunities come your way.

In comparison, the “March Theory” is said to be about chapters closing and seasons ending. Many TikTokers claim this has played out in their personal lives in various ways, either through friendships or relationships ending, or even loved ones passing away.

Whether or not the April Theory is “real” almost doesn’t matter. The point is, a lot of people are clearly starting to feel better about their lives, which is getting them motivated and hopeful not just about the future but also about the here and now. And what’s not to like about that?

“you guys its april and I can feel it in my bones were all going to have such a glow up physically/mentally/spiritually,” @renbauer wrote in her TikTok caption.

“I claim this energy!!!!” one person wrote back.

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