27 TV And Movie Jokes That Went Straight Over Your Head As A Kid, Ranked From "Mildly Off-Color" To "Surprisingly Risqué"

There's a long and noble tradition of TV shows and movies meant for children sneaking in the occasional adult joke. And while some of them are just a little out there, others make me wonder, "How the hell did they get away with this?"


I've ranked these 27 jokes from kid's TV shows and movies by how surprising it is that they survived long enough to make it to air.

Just so you know, when I say "censor," I mean a combination of studio executives, the Standards & Practices department, lawyers, and anyone else who has the power to say, "Hey, let's maybe not include a circumcision joke in The Rugrats Movie."

As you'll see toward the end of this ranking, they lost that particular fight.

27.When the "Welcome to Duloc" song almost went there, then didn't.

the puppets sing, "please keep off of the grass, shine your shoes, wipe your...face!"

26.When Shaggy met Mary Jane.

Shaggy says Mary Jane is his favorite name

On another note, CGI Scooby is a haunting creation.

CGI Scooby sitting next to Shaggy on the plane
Warner Bros / Courtesy Everett Collection

25.When Stu was broken by a pot of chocolate pudding.

Stu makes chocolate pudding at 4am and tells his wife it's because he's lost control of his life

24.When the three little pigs paid tribute to their fallen father.

A pig plays the piano and in the background, a photograph of sausages labeled "father" hangs on the wall

23.When Zuko interrupted Suki on her way to Sokka's tent and then found Sokka doing the absolute most.

Zuko walks in on Sokka, who is surrounded by roses and lit candles

And then the next morning, when Sokka is fiddling with a random necklace of flowers, implying he got "lei'd." (According to Twitter, at least.)

Sokka fiddling with a necklace made out of flowers

22.When this robot mom-to-be told her husband that's it's OK that he missed the delivery of their baby-in-a-box.

Blue Sky Studios

The Movie: Robots

How surprising is it that the censors let it slide? Not surprising. Humor about how babies get made is a classic fixture in TV shows and movies meant for kids, probably because that's a question a large portion of its intended audience has asked.

I do have to wonder, though: If you build a baby from a boxed set, how do you build a toddler, a child, or a teenager? Does the price point go up with each age group? Is there a "build a well-adjusted adult" box that lazy parents buy?

21.When the Wolf read the swimsuit edition of Pork Illustrated.

The wolf in bed while reading Pork Illustrated

20.When a donkey, otherwise known as an ass, appears over Squidward while he mocks SpongeBob...

a real image of a donkey appears over an animated squidward

...and then again when he receives a kind Christmas gift from his victim and realizes the error of his ways.

The donkey appears again when Squidward confesses he feels like a real jerk

19.When Grandpa rented a few videos for the kids and one for himself.

Grandpa holds up a DVD and says, "And my personal favorite, lonely space vixens. that's for after you go to bed.

18.When Mr. Potato Head silently called someone a kiss-ass.


The Movie: Toy Story

How surprising is it that the censors let it slide? I maintain my opinion from the SpongeBob donkey joke above: Anything involving the word "ass" just isn't that out there.

But on the other hand, aren't those his actual lips? Seems he would've been better off just saying the word.

17.When a doctor with a frankly intimidating name made a cameo appearance.

A sign for a doctor named Dr. Bendova

16.When Timmy's dad got too real with him.

Timmy's Dad says his dreams were shattered many years ago, and when Timmy asks how many, he responds by asking how old Timmy is

The Show: The Fairy OddParents

How surprising is it that the censors let it slide? Not too surprising. Nickelodeon and middle-aged malaise go together like Disney and death.

I do pity the parent whose child asked follow-up questions about this scene, though.


15.When Colette thought Linguini was trying to be very, very honest with her.

Linguini says he has this tiny little something, while Colette glances down at his pants

14.When Robin opened up to the Professor.

Bubbles tells Robin, he made us in his laboratory by accident. And Robin replies, don't worry, professor, I was an accident too!

13.When Puss in Boots is found carrying a baggie of catnip during a Cops parody sequence.

Puss in Boots is found to be carrying Catnip, which he claims isn't his

12.When someone felt the need to stick a Post-it reading, "Don't touch yourself," on the bathroom wall.

A sign on a bathroom wall that says "don't touch yourself"

11.When someone read Playslug magazine. For the articles, most likely.

A slug reads Playslug magazine, with a slug cover model

10.When the Sanderson sisters encountered the world's creepiest bus driver.

The witches say, we desire children. The bus driver responds, it may take me a couple of tries but I don't think that'll be a problem

9.When Shrek made this dick joke.

The Movie: Shrek How surprising is it that the censors let it slide? For any other franchise, very. But we all know that Shrek plays by different rules.  This joke is like the thesis statement of Shrek as a whole, so if it didn't make it in, I don't think the movie would've gotten made, period. It's like a litmus test for how crude DreamWorks was willing to be. The answer? Exactly this much.  

8.When Stephanie casually burned Kimmy all the way to the ground.

Stephanie says, "horoscope? what's that, Kimmy? A telescope that can only see your face"

7.When the Cat scolded a gardening tool and called it a "dirty hoe."

The Cat calls a gardening hoe a dirty hoe, then says, "I'm sorry, baby, I love you"

6.When Grandpa Boris couldn't take another moment of watching vacation videos.

Grandpa says into the phone "Hello, Dr. Kevorkian?"

5.When Gary walked in on SpongeBob watching some sea anemone porn.

Spongebob rapidly changes the channel when Gary walks in

4.When a wild circumcision joke appeared in a song about newborns being less than impressed with life after birth.

A baby says "man, they cut my cord." Another baby responds "consider yourself lucky" while looking inside his disaper

3.When Amy dusted for prints and found Prince.

Someone tells Amy to dust for prints, she finds Prince (the singer), her brother clarifies fingerprints, and Amy looks disgusted

2.When Helga said...this.

Helga says, "Arnold, you make my girlhood tremble"

1.When Rocko briefly worked at a phone sex line.

The Show: Rocko's Modern LifeHow surprising is it that the censors let it slide? *smokes pipe and stares into the distance* It was a different time. If there were a Louvre of Adult Jokes in Kids TV Shows and Movies, this would be its Mona Lisa. It defines the genre. That

Now it's your turn! Which adult jokes from kids TV shows and movies should've made the ranking? Tell us about them in the comments!