25 Texts That Are So Cringey, But Also Sooooooo Addictive To Read

Listen, here me out...you should probably throw your phone into the ocean. From now on, you should exclusively communicate by carrier pigeon, smoke signals, or even face-to-face. But not — God help you — via text message.

GIF of a woman throwing Larry David's phone in the ocean in "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
GIF of a woman throwing Larry David's phone in the ocean in "Curb Your Enthusiasm"


Why? Because you DO NOT want to risk sending a text as cringey and regrettable as the ones sent by:

1.This subtle-as-a-sledgehammer guy who REALLY wants this woman to know he fought in Afghanistan (did I mention he fought in Afghanistan? Yeah, he fought in Afghanistan):

"Happy to have served, just wanted to help people"

2.And this guy whose gross sexism is somehow the least cringey part of his text:

"I thought you were nice but youre actually a birch"

3.This car salesman who accidentally sent this message to the person he was trying to sell a car to:

"I hit him high, so I can cut him down."

4.This dad who — oh dear God — accidentally sent this text to his 14-year-old son instead of his wife:

"hahahaha obviously that was supposed to be for your mom omg I'm sorry man"

5.And this wife who accidentally sent this sext to her mother-in-law (who already disliked her) instead of her hubby:

"You gonna miss my pussy while I'm gone?"

6.This married creeper who tried to pick up the person who delivered their food order:

"I'm married too at the moment but that's changing rapidly."

7.And this food delivery person who got weird:

"sweet *starts dry humping you*"

8.This well-intentioned person who nonetheless put their foot all the way in their mouth:

"Does sick mean cool or ill"

9.And this less well-intentioned dude who accidentally texted the girl he was headed to see instead of his buddy:

"Bout to get BALLS DEEP BRO"

10.This obnoxious gatekeeping vegan:

"So your like pretending to be vegan cause it's cool and in?"
"Tofu is strictly for vegans vegetarians"

11.This eavesdropping low-thario who tried picking up a girl he sits behind in class:

"Okay not gonna lie that's pretty creepy..."

12.And this person who came on real strong, real fast:

"Restraining Order"

13.This "alpha" who didn't take getting rejected well:

"it's ok to be afraid, I'm not easy to handle, so are all other prime alphas..."

14.This coworker who took a conversation about not having a car to a weird and very awkward place:

"God I need sex"

15.This obnoxious jerk on a dating app who is the definition of RED FLAG:

"Apologies. I do not speak Hick, Ghetto, or Tide Pod."

16.This angry dweeb who didn't take well to being given a fake number:

"Fuck you. I got to hook up with two hot sorority girls last night."

17.And this girl who gave a fake number and had it blow up in her face a year later:

"Hey it's Camryn from the group project, did you add a bibliography?"

18.This "not to be sexist" texter who was — shocker — totally sexist:

"do you think I'm cute"

19.This person who ended a situation in an awkwardly cold way:

"I don't have feelings for you."

20.And this girlfriend who went all aggro on a girl trying to get class notes from her boyfriend:

"Do you have class with him at rowan or something?"
"I'm blocking you"

21.This guy who — after seeing this woman in his wife’s “suggested friends” section on Facebook — googled her and used her business number to send this text:

"It's listed on your site. Too weird?"

22.This texter who kept things very mysterious and very awkward:

"Stop harassing me"

23.This jerk who doesn't quite understand why dating is impossible for him:

"Sorry for the rant, modern dating is impossible for men like me lol"

24.This person who tried real hard to backtrack on their text:

"OK no problem that's not what I wanted for all"

25.And Nathan — haha — whose game he plays with girls is not the catnip he thinks it is, like it's absolutely the opposite:

"Did I blow it?"

HT: r/cringepics