18 Shocking Before-And-After Photos Of TV And Movie Scenes That Were Filmed On A Green Screen

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1.The scenic view behind the lunch tables on Zoey 101 was actually not real.

Three young women sitting at a large table with blue water in one scene and a green screen in another

2.Ugly Betty used a lot of green screens to film scenes that took place on the streets of Manhattan.

A news reporter in a NYC scene turning to Betty and the same news reporter in front of a green screen turning to her

3.Also, in Season 1, a scene where Betty and Daniel walk on a bridge and rest against it was actually filmed with a green screen and a green banister.

The same scene on a bridge and then with a green screen behind it

4.Even scenes that took place on Betty's home street in Queens were not filmed on actual streets.

A scene with Betty in front of a house with a green screen beyond it

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

5.In The Wolf of Wall Street, editing completely transformed the exterior of this home.

Two people standing at the front door of a house that is brick in one scene and looks like white molding in another, with larger windows
Paramount Pictures

6.And there was a brief shot in the film where the character Naomi walks along a pier to get on a boat to Italy, which was also brought to life by the magic of editing.

The pier scene, surrounded by water, and the actual filming with a green screen in a long hallway
Paramount Pictures

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

7.The 2013 film The Great Gatsby employed green screens to add details to Jay Gatsby's house.

An interior scene with an ornate ceiling instead of a plain blue backdrop
Warner Bros. Pictures

8.Also, this elegant yard was actually shot on some big, empty field.

A plain green field replaced by one with mazes and gardens and a huge house in the background
Paramount Pictures

9.Some outside shots of Gatsby's house were also fully edited.

Leo DiCaprio as Gatsby with a house behind him in one scene and a blue screen in the next
Warner Bros. Pictures

10.And the scene were Gatsby and Nick walk on the pier is, once again, actually a "pier" in a studio.

Nick and Gatsby walking on a pier which actually has a blue screen behind it
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

11.In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the spiral staircase in Hogwarts was not nearly as long as it appeared to be.

Multilevel spiral staircase in one scene and a single spiral staircase with a green base in another
Warner Bros. Pictures

12.In another scene inside the walls of Hogwarts, Helena Ravenclaw floats down the hallway...but there was no hallway.

Ghostly figure floating in a hallway in one photo and an actor walking along a platform with a green screen in another
Warner Bros. Pictures

13.And when Harry, Hermione, and Ron come out of the lake, yeah, that whole thing was not actually filmed outside.

Actors, including a bare-chested Harry, in front of a lake in one scene and a green screen in another
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

14.In The Hunger Games, high-tech desks in the control room obviously don't exist IRL, but I was still surprised to learn that they created the image just from putting a green layer over the counters.

People sitting around a circular table with controls on top in one scene and around one with a green top in another

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

15.This rooftop scene with Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy was not what it appeared to be.

Cristina sitting at a table with a man and glasses of wine, with a city skyline at night in one scene and a green screen in another

16.In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1, the outside view of Carlisle's home office was all fake.

A medical office with a natural landscape seen through the windows in one photo and a green screen in another
Summit Entertainment

Watch more behind-the-scenes editing moments here:

17.In A Series of Unfortunate Events, the outside of Josephine's house wasn't a completely built set piece.

Two people standing on steps in front of a decrepit house in one scene and on steps in front of a green screen in another

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18.And lastly, these ships and the sea in this Boardwalk Empire scene didn't exist at all.

A crowd of people standing in front of two huge docked ships in one scene and in front of a small green screen with tenement houses behind it in another