Sarah Palin Keeping An Eye On Russia From Alaska

"Russia’s getting out of hand? So says the defeated," Palin tweeted.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin apparently has plans to keep the U.S. safe from Russia. The former 2008 vice presidential candidate tweeted Sunday that she was keeping an eye on Russia after a secret CIA report found Moscow helped Republican Donald Trump win the November presidential election.

At first, Palin seemed to dismiss the Washington Post's recent investigation that claimed a CIA report had linked Moscow activity to Trump's victory. "Russia’s getting out of hand? So says the defeated," Palin tweeted.

Palin then added: "Remember I can keep an eye on them from here." The comment seemed to reference a 2008 interview in which she suggested her government service in Alaska gave her insight on national security.

"They’re our next-door neighbors," she told ABC as the vice presidential nominee. "And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, she wrote on Facebook: "I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did. After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Sen. Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's (Vladimir) Putin to invade Ukraine next."

Meanwhile, Trump called the CIA report "another excuse" from Democrats after losing the White House, Senate and House to Republicans in the November elections. "I think it’s ridiculous," Trump said, in a Fox News interview.

But others have said the CIA report is alarming. A bipartisan group of senators said Sunday Russia's actions should “alarm every American,” and called for an investigation, the Hill reported.

"It’s concerning that intelligence on Russian actions related to the U.S. election is being dismissed out of hand as false or politically partisan," a U.S. intelligence official said in a written statement.

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