COLUMN-Fed to let emerging markets fret away: James Saft

(The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters)

By James Saft

Nov 17 (Reuters) - The last time emerging markets threw a tantrum like this the Federal Reserve responded by delaying planned tapering of its bond purchases.

Well the world is now a less kind and gentle place and given that emerging markets have thrown themselves out of bed at the prospect of Trump-led protectionism and inflation, help probably will not be arriving.

Since Trump's shock victory in the presidential election, emerging market shares are down 6 percent, emerging market foreign exchange a similar amount, and emerging market bonds have tumbled 4 percent.

While the current "Trump tantrum" is reminiscent of the "taper tantrum" of 2013, when talk by the Fed of tapering bond purchases caused a deep sell-off particularly among emerging markets running current account deficits, this time could see a very different result.

When I was a parent of very young children one controversial approach to their inevitable sleep problems was the so-called "Ferber method", after a doctor who advised letting them "cry it out" and establish their own ability to calm down without outside help.

Cruel or kind, I cannot say, but finance ministers in emerging markets may want to reach for their security blankets because mother Yellen and father Fischer are very likely not going to be padding down the hall with a warm glass of easier conditions.

"The carpet has been pulled out from under emerging markets, and a Trump presidency coupled with higher U.S. yields will cause investors to reevaluate their emerging markets thesis," analysts at Societe Generale led by Guy Stear wrote in a note to clients.

There are two main, and interrelated reasons the advent of Trump is terrible news for emerging markets: inflation and protectionism.

Trump's emphasis, thus far, on stimulus in the form of infrastructure spending combined with hefty tax cuts looks set to balloon the deficit to 100 percent above GDP over the coming eight years. Longer-term bonds have sold off sharply and market bets on where inflation will be in five years' time also spiked.

And this at a time when the Atlanta Fed wage growth tracker has touched 3.9 percent, double the Fed's inflation goal and the highest it has been since the early days of the financial crisis in late 2008.

The Fed is not only going to raise rates in December, but may be forced to hike several times next year.


Rising interest rates and a rising dollar are both bad for emerging markets, raising their cost of attracting capital, of financing their role in the global manufacturing chain, and lowering the value of exports in local currency terms.

Remember too, emerging markets have benefited from a 30-year bull market in U.S. bonds.

"More worryingly, if investors are shifting toward the idea that the secular downtrend in bond yields is over, the ramifications could be severe," Stear wrote. "Prolonged low interest rates and unorthodox central bank policies have undoubtedly caused a misallocation of capital. With return on investment low and falling in emerging markets, higher yields in developed markets are once again likely to prove unkind to emerging market foreign exchange."

The other issue is U.S. protectionism, one of the main policies Trump advocates, and one which would hit global growth badly if strongly implemented, and hit emerging markets far worse.

"My guess is that protectionist policies will be complemented with tax changes, to minimize the shock on the U.S. economy." Stephen Jen of hedge fund Eurizon/SLJ Capital wrote to investors.

"There are of course a lot of uncertainties about when and how Mr Trump will implement these policies, but there is little doubt in my mind whether this will be done. This is why maintaining a short Asian currency position seems to make sense to me."

In 2013 the "taper tantrum" hit emerging markets hard, but drew its main force from a fall in U.S. stocks of more than 4 percent in the three days after then Fed chief Ben Bernanke announced his aim to start cutting back on bond buying in September. The Fed ultimately delayed tapering until December and has famously failed to increase rates as soon or by as much as it has forecast ever since.

This time the news is bad for emerging markets once again, but U.S. stocks seem to love Trump, with the Dow Jones- hitting new all-time highs every day since the election. Unless that changes radically, and even perhaps if it does, the Fed has less room and less reason to concern itself with pain in emerging markets.

If U.S. bonds continue to sell off at longer maturities, emerging market investors too will learn to cry themselves to sleep.

(Editing by James Dalgleish)
