Cam’s Bitter Rivalry With Baby Jessica on ‘Modern Family’

On Modern Family, Cam suffers a head injury and is forced to face his fear of small spaces when he goes to the hospital to get an MRI. It turns out that as a kid, he fell into a well. It happened the same day as Baby Jessica, but she got all the press. “Everybody loves a baby, but not one single prayer for a husky teen who’s stuck head-first in a well for the better part of an hour,” says Cam.

After Mitchell shows Cam just how easy it is, by hopping in the MRI tube, Cam feels like he could give it a go. And at first, Ira Glass’s This American Life is quite helpful. Then the story switches from a story of a schnauzer to a search and rescue of a man buried alive for 18 days.

Mitchell and Cam take to the rooftop to get a little air and have a heart-to-heart about Cam’s fears. Cam describes how while the whole world was focused on that “media whore” Jessica, his Aunt Edna was lowered into his well so she could touch his feet and tell him it was going to be OK and that he wasn’t alone.

With a little ingenuity and a touch of genius, Mitchell rigs a machine complete with stuffed doctor gloves to tap Cam’s feet during the MRI, to let him know someone’s there.

Modern Family airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on ABC. Watch clips and full episodes of Modern Family for free on Yahoo View.

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