Anthony Anderson Meets World’s Largest Spider on New ‘Animal Nation’ Show

Anthony Anderson, the hardest working man in Hollywood, is on another show, and it’s called Animal Nation, where we get to learn about creepy crawlies, chat with celebrity guests, and watch people do really dumb stuff with animals.

Dermot Mulroney brought along his deaf, blind, and toothless chihuahua, Maverick, and he played “Name That Sound,” a game where you have to listen to a terrifying animal noise and guess what it is. What sounded like a dying whale turned out to just be an adorable puppy in a bathtub.

Comedian, Finesse Mitchell, explained that his two tiny Yorkies made his rough-and-tough Rottweiler gay when he went away on a long trip.

And to bring everything to a terrifying close, Jules Sylvester, Hollywood’s snake man, brought by some deadly animals, including an assassin bug, a Gila monster, and the world’s largest tarantula. Sylvester showed Anderson how to make the tarantula rear up on its back legs so we could see its half-inch fangs.

Animal Nation airs February 10th at 10 p.m. on Animal Planet.

Watch Miley Cyrus’ twerk teacher try to trick celebrity panel:

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