• Reuters

    'Amazonia' bonds in 2024 seen a tough sell for some

    A political push to raise the first-ever "Amazonia Bond" has ramped up during talks to agree a "roadmap", yet the chance of a deal this year faces technical hurdles and scepticism among some of those tasked with managing the debt, sources told Reuters. Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador are among a group of nations in talks with development banks to launch a specially supported framework to raise billions of dollars of low-cost funding to protect the world's biggest rainforest. Proposed by the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank last year, Reuters is for the first time reporting the progress being made, the bond structures and timings being discussed, but also some of the push-back from officials in two of the region's biggest countries.

  • RFI

    Swiss parliament votes to ban extremist symbols and gestures

    Swiss lawmakers have voted in favour of banning the display of extremist and racist symbols, starting with those of a Nazi nature. The National Council lower house of parliament on Wednesday voted by 133 to 38 in favour of banning the public use of racist, violence-promoting and extremist symbols, such as Nazi symbols.Switzerland, which stayed neutral during World War II, has come under pressure to fall in line with a number of other European countries in banning Nazi symbols.Full bans are in pl


    The full history of Taylor Swift and her ‘lucky number’ 13

    Taylor Swift, born on Dec. 13, 1989, has a special connection to 13. Here's what she's said about her lucky number.