
Behold Joe Pavelski’s adorable hometown tribute sign (PHOTO)


Plovers are “a widely distributed group of wading birds belonging to the subfamily Charadriinae” and known for their relatively short bills. Why anyone would want to plant a sign honoring Joe Pavelski on these poor birds is, frankly, deplorable ...

Oh, wait, sorry: Plover is apparently also a city in Wisconsin. Where Pavelski was born.

That makes more sense. Slightly.

Pavelski was honored with his own tribute sign right next to the Village of Plover sign, located near the I-39, which we hear can really get jammed up during lake house season doncha’know.

From the Stevens Point Journal, the source for most of our Plover new (at least since CNN closed their Plover bureau):

The sign, next to the Welcome to Plover sign on Highway B, was created by Mada, a Stevens Point-based custom apparel and sporting goods business.

Plover Village Administrator Dan Mahoney said the idea for the sign was hatched when Pavelski was asked during an interview on ESPN whether Plover had a sign recognizing the village as his birthplace. He said no, and the village's phones began ringing as residents called to demand one. The plans were announced ahead of Joe Pavelski Day, which was celebrated Feb. 7 at the start of the Sochi Winter Olympics, in which Pavelski competed.

Wait, so Joe Pavelski said randomly that his hometown didn’t have a sign, and the populace rose up and flooded village hall with phone calls to demand one? Is Frank Capra the mayor there?!

It’s a pretty sweet sign, especially because it captures some Pavs Beard magic.

And two photos!

So much better than what those hacks in Cole Harbour did for Sidney Whatshisname:

Cole Harbour
Cole Harbour

It doesn't even say he was a "2xOlympian!"