
Video: Ohio Lieutenant Governor apes LeBron's latest ad

Since LeBron James(notes) became our nation's most beloved icon, sometime in 2007 as Eric Snow(notes) passed the torch, all manner of pundit and politician alike have been trying to work what has long been known as "the LeBron magic." How does he do it? From where does that charisma stem? What sort of beard, as LeBron so regularly changes, should I use for this particular occasion?

Ohio Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher is the latest to ascribe to a "Be Like LeBron" campaign, aping the former Cavalier's recent shoe ad with a version of his own, as he desperately works for his state's Governor seat.

Stirring stuff, no doubt. And, because we here at BDL are always looking to provide equal time, here's an ad on behalf of Fisher's opponent, whatever his name is.

(HT: Woj.)