
Teen ski jump accident video is the funniest thing you’ll see all week … but why did parents post it?

When is it right and wrong to laugh at one’s own offspring? It’s a debate that should be sparked by the video you see below, which is perhaps the most hilariously executed ski jump of all-time … so long as you aren’t the skier in question’s parents.

The remarkable over-the-tips flop was first brought to Prep Rally’s attention by The Big Lead, which had similar trouble coming to grips with both the video's clear hilarity --seriously, this would have been a shoo-in winner in the Bob Sagat America’s Funniest Home Videos era -- and the awkwardness of the filming father’s response.

Yes, one has to assume that it was the skier’s father who filmed the flop, but that seems a truly safe assumption given the fact that the young skier is identified as an 11-year-old on YouTube. The note that the flipped skier “walked it off!” is also comforting, though not entirely guilt absolving for the father. Or so it would seem.

Rather, the real question is why the father posted the video on YouTube in the first place. Is the clip hilarious? Absolutely. Is it embarrassing for the videographer’s son? Almost certainly.

Then again, perhaps this is all part of a larger campaign by the amateur film maker to help his son develop a sense of humor. If that’s it, by the time everyone has seen this he is almost sure to be comfortable laughing at himself. After all, one can only remain self conscious for so long.

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