
Photo: Sergio Garcia, at 32, sporting a faux hawk

There are a lot of things Sergio Garcia has done in his career that has left us in the golf world shaking our collective heads. There was the spitting incident. And the club tossing incident. And the straight up freak-out at the PGA Championship incident.

But his recent haircut might be the biggest eyebrow raiser of them all. Playing in the 2012 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure poker tournament (and playing quite well, I might add), Garcia has gone with the spiked up faux hawk look for his hair, proving that no matter how famous you are, it is totally OK to rock a nasty looking 'cut.

Maybe Garcia was just trying to do his best Andy Roddick impression?

(And obviously this is all fun and games ... anybody with that nice of a golf swing can rock that ugly of a haircut all he wants.)


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